COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Resources
- CRA – COVID-19 Benefits and Services
- CRA – COVID-19 Work at home benefit (Form 777s)
- British Columbia Covid-19 financial support for individuals and families
- Small Business BC Recovery Grant
- Launch Online Grant Program
- Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability program (HASCAPO Guarantee)
- COVID-19 Info for Businesses
- Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
- Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)
- Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Financial Tools
Financial Tools
The Government of Canada website offers a number of resources for financial inquiries. Please view the On-line Tools and Calculators web page to find interactive financial calculators and others tools that may assist you with some of the day-to-day questions and concerns that can arise.
The following are the common Canada Revenue Agency forms available for you. Click below for access to commonly used forms:
- RC59 Business Consent Form (CRA RC59 Business Consent for Offline Access)
- T2201 Disability Tax Credit Certificate
- T2125 Statement of Business Activities
- T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment
- T1M Moving Expenses Deduction
- TL11A Tuition and Education Amounts Certificate – University Outside Canada
- RC1 Request For A Business Number
- Canadian Passport Application
- T4002 Self Employed Business, Professional, Commission, Farming and Fishing Income
- CPP applications
- OAS applications
- My Payment CRA
- Statement of Employment Expenses T777 S (working from home during COVID-19)
- Employment Standards Act of BC
- Worksafe BC
- BC Provincial Sales Tax
The following are the helpful websites that provide answers and resources you may require. Click below for links to related web sites: